Live all the days of your life!


Monday, February 20, 2006

Florida here I come

For some reason Gordon Conwell has a new firewall and blogspot is not a website that you can go to anymore, so my blogs might be fewer and far between than I had hoped. This past weekend I saw the movie Freedom land, and coming off of having 2 very intense weekends of Christianity and the Problem of racism class the movie hit close to home. Its a very heavy movie it is hard to tell what it is about with out giving away what happens but if you are in the mood for an intense, heavy movie.
The past couple of days I have been working hard to get a bunch of studying and packing in because tomorrow I leave for Florida! For seven days my family (mom, dad, 2 sisters, 2 brother in laws, and 2 neices and 2nephews) are all going to Orlando!! I am so excited we are going to Sea World(it was my childhood dream to train flipper), Disney World, Spring Training for the Twins, and to the beach. I feel very blessed to be able to go on such a fun family vacation. I will be post lots of pictures.
Have a great reading week all you Gordon Conwell Peps!!

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Thursday Night Crew At It Again!

We may be a much of grad school seminary geeks but at least we know how to have a good time :) Last night about 40 of us took over The Sports Page for a celebration of Holgie's Birthday!
It was a good time had by all that inculded a lot of signing and dancing and hanging out with eachother and the locals of The Sports Page. I am so thankful to live in this awesome community with so many great friends!

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more fun pictures from the night!

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Steve quoting Anchor Man to Kristen

A litte Backstreet boys "I want it that way" I am not sure what kind of dance move Dave is doing and who knew Steve's mouth was so big :)

Nick showing off his moves!

Logan getting into the singing!!!
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Thursday, February 16, 2006

My Favorite Camp Pics

These are some of my favorite pictures/memories from camp. Spinkers, Lesfa Night, Unit Coorinating, the man shot, the "ridiculous" recon, BBQ's, weekend hikes, and of course mountian goats!! I am really going to miss the craizness of camp this summer and all of the wonderful people. But I the Lord has a plan for me this summer. But it is still going to hard not to be there. Hopefully I can make it out for a visit!! Thanks for all the memories everyone! Posted by Picasa

Getting used to the blog!

Hey everyone! I changed my settings now so anyone can post comments. Today was a good day, I had a very challenging class this morning in biblical theology, but it is good to work through the different views. Than I went to babysitting which was a little rough so I rewarded myself with watching American Idol which my roomate taped for me, and I am defentially pulling for Ace :) I must get to some work now, well after I post some more pictures!! Have a great day everyone!

Getting used to the blog!

Hey everyone! I changed my settings now so anyone can post comments. Today was a good day, I had a very challenging class this morning in biblical theology, but it is good to work through the different views. Than I went to babysitting which was a little rough so I rewarded myself with watching American Idol which my roomate taped for me, and I am defentially pulling for Ace :) I must get to some work now, well after I post some more pictures!! Have a great day everyone!

Getting used to the blog!

Hey everyone! I changed my settings now so anyone can post comments. Today was a good day, I had a very challenging class this morning in biblical theology, but it is good to work through the different views. Than I went to babysitting which was a little rough so I rewarded myself with watching American Idol which my roomate taped for me, and I am defentially pulling for Ace :) I must get to some work now, well after I post some more pictures!! Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hey Everyone. Welcome to my blog. I am still playing around on it trying to figure out how to work it so it might have so funny gliches for a while. N-E all is well in Boston just another day of studing at Sbucks and than down to the city for class tonight.
Happy Birthday Caroline and Houlgie!

Welcome to my Blog

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Maine Marathon

These are pictures of one of my best friends, Sabrina and myself at the Maine Marathon on Oct. 2nd 2005. Yes I ran the 26.2 miles (well for the most part, ask me to the story it is a really cool story of answered prayer) and yes it hurt A LOT. Posted by Picasa

The weekend we met Storyhill

For all of you storyhill fans out there this is for you. A couple of weekends ago a dear friend of mine from camp came to visit me in Boston and we got to go to a amazing Storyhill concert and we got to meet them!! It was a great weekend! Posted by Picasa
This in one of my favorite collages! These are all pictures from my summers working at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp in Kalispell, MT. It is an amazing place!! Posted by Picasa
These are pictures of my four neices and nephews; Sammy (8), Lucy (5), Abby (2) and Gabe (1). My friend at school told me about picasa yesterday and I had a lot of fun during OT Survey putting my pictures together :) I hope you like it because I have a lot of collages to pose :) Posted by Picasa