Live all the days of your life!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Surprise Weekend!

This past weekend I went home to Minnesota for a family wedding. I had no idea that I was going to be going home for the wedding until my mom called me this past Monday and said "what if I flew you home this weekend for the wedding?" So we made the reservation and early Thur. Morning I was off on my 7th round trip in less than 2 years.
The best part about coming home is that I got to surprise my sisters and nieces and nephews who had no idea that I was coming home. I surprised almost everyone at Sam's baseball game Thursday night. It was wonderful to be able to surprise everyone.
Friday morning we headed up towards Lusten, Minnesota. We stayed at a beautiful resort right on lake Superior. We had amazing weather and spent our time playing baseball, throwing rocks in the lake, going on walks, and relaxing. The wedding (my cousin Amy got married) was so beautiful, it was outside overlooking Lake Superior, the dance was a good time especially with Lucy and Gabe who couldn't get enough of the dance floor. And my mom and dad, there were some of the first people out on the floor dancing...maybe that is where I get it from! All in all it was a great weekend, it was so nice to be in Minnesota, and to be with my family. When I was saying Good Bye to everyone I was telling Sam that the next time I come home it will because I am moving home, he looked at me a little confused and said "you mean you don't have to go to college anymore?" All Sam(8) has ever known is Aunt Melly coming and going for college. It is nice to say that I will be home for good now. (well at least for a little while :) )
I have a little under 2 weeks left in Boston which will be packed full and fly by fast. That is all for now, I hope that everyone is well!

P.S. GO MINNESOTA TWINS!!! (Boston red soxs 2: Minnesota twins 5) whoa who!